Best Catering Services in Downtown Cincinnati
Barista Catering
Add a 20 oz. bottle of soda to any Box Lunch
Free delivery for 8 or more
Also available: Water, Soda, Beer
Also Available
Meat & Cheese Trays
Vegetable Trays
Fruit Trays
Breakfast Trays
Cooke/Candy Trays
Wine & Cheese Baskets
Small Box Lunch
Choice of Boar's Head Deli Meats
Choice of Fresh Bread (Wheat, White & Rye)
Choice of Cheese
Bag Chips and 2 Fresh Bakes Cookies
Pickle Half, Lettuce, Tomato, and Condiments on the side
Large Box Lunch
Choice of Boar's Head Deli Meats
Choice of Fresh Bread (Wheat, White & Rye)
Choice of Cheese
Pasta or Potato Salad
Piece of Fruit (Fresh-Cut Fruits Additional Charge)
2 Fresh Bakes Cookies
Pickle Half, Lettuce, Tomato, and Condiments on the side